Selasa, 28 April 2009

Beyond Murphy's Law

Since Murphy propounded his law in 1949 his pronouncements have been lovingly built upon and developed further by many new contributors. A sample of some of the more thinkers ones follow :

  1. Heller's Law : The first myth of management is that exist
  2. Dow's Law : In hierarchical organisation, are higher the level, the greater, the confusion
  3. Another Murphy's Law : It is impossible to make anything fool-proof, because fools are so ingenious
  4. Anderson's Law : I have yet to see any problem, how ever, complicated, which, when, you looked at it right way, did not become still more complicated
  5. Boyle's Law : If not controlled, work will flow to the competent man until he submerges
  6. Computer Maxim : To err is human but to really fool things up requires computer
  7. Golden Principle : Nothing will be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome
  8. Harry's Law : Any philosophy that can be put "in a nutshell" belongs there
  9. Hall's Law : The means justify the means. The approach to a problem is more important than its solution
  10. Vail's Axiom : In any human enterprise, work seeks the lowest hierarchical level
  11. Langsam's Ort. Axiom : It's difficult to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys
  12. Weiler's Law : Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do himself
  13. Edelstain's Advice : Don't worry over what other people are thinking about you. They're too busy worrying

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