Kamis, 30 April 2009

SBY as one of 100 most Influential Leaders & Revolutionaries

The changes taking place in Indonesia today are among the most remarkable developments in the Muslim world. The country's transition from authoritarianism has proved that as a democracy, Indonesia can be culturally vibrant and economically prosperous.

Since winning the presidency in 2004, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has managed to keep the nation afloat, even during the current global recession. However, significant challenges lie ahead. Poverty remains pervasive in Indonesia, and the government must press onward with improvements to the country's ailing infrastructure. Businesses are confronted with a bewildering array of regulations, and the country pays a heavy price in corruption and bribery.

The coming presidential election promises to be good to Yudhoyono, 59, thanks in no small measure to his having for the most part delivered on his promises. The history of Indonesia's democratic journey may not be that long, but it has thus far shown that the country's people will not re-elect a President who falls short of expectations.

The time is right for Indonesia, as the world's most populous Muslim nation, to assume a more prominent position in Asia and throughout the Muslim world. In response to President Obama's warm overtures to Muslim countries for a new phase in relations with the U.S., Yudhoyono can take the lead and chart a new course for the region.

Rabu, 29 April 2009

Management of Self 21

The more clear you are on what you want, the more power you will have to achieve it

Following a precedent is an easy substitute for thinking

Fundamental requirement for success; humility

How many of us have realized that since we were given two ears and one mouth it might be that we were intended to listen twice as much as we speak

Nothing is lost by emptying, the cup that empties to receive it still the cup

I believe in loyalty, for if I am not true to others, I cannot be true to myself

I believe in holding up my chin, for self-respect commands respect from others

I thought for 25 minutes decided to change myself than 25 years to change others

I am changing myself, having less expectations from others, not reacting ahrply to their behaviour

The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do

Dare to dream, dare to try, dare to fail, dare to succeed

Management of Self 20

Other men see things as they are and ask, 'Why?' I see things that never were and ask, 'Why not?'

99.0% of our time is spent on collecting statistics and the balance on implementing with ideas, this may seem efficient but not effective. Those who succeed probably spend in the ratio 90 : 10 and cause ripple. Finding facts is essential but thinking up ideas for better ways is what we get paid for

All that you are is a result of all that you have thought

A man's life is what his thoughts make of it

You become what you THINK you will

Every thought we think is creating our future

The wise man thinks before acting and the fool thinks after it

A change for better always starts with a change of thinking

Where your mind your energy flows

9 Points Formula to Kill an Association

  1. Don't participate beyond paying your dues. Let 'them handle the things. Then complain that members have no voice in association
  2. Decline all office, committe meetings and appoinments, YOU ARE TOO BUSY. Then offer vociferous advice on how to do the things
  3. Even then, if appoinmented to the excecutive committee, don't work, it's a courtesy appoinment. Then complain that the association has stagnated
  4. If you do attend General Body Meetings, don't initiate new ideas. Then you can play "Devil's Advocat" to those submitted by others
  5. Don't valunteer your talents, thats ego fulfilment. Then complain that you are never asked and never appreciated
  6. Don't rush to pay your dues, these are too high anyway. Then complain about the poor financial management
  7. Don't encourage others to become the members, that's selling. Then complain that you are not receiving the mail and bulletins
  8. Don't read and respond mail from the headquarters, it is not important. Then complain that you are not kept informed
  9. Don't inform about your change in job and address, it is 'their' duty to find out. Then complain that you are not receiving the mail and bulletins
And, if by chance, your association grows well, in spite of your non-contributions

Grasp every opportunity to tell your younger generation, how tough it was and how hard 'we' worked in the old days to bring the association to its present level of success.

Management of Self 19

Take advice as you would take a sandwich with two big slices of doubt

When it is impossible to change others, you must change yourself

For every 10 minutes you are angry, you lose 600 seconds of happiness

My problem was I kept reading books on leadership and excellence and management when I should have been working

Take tree minutes to think of yourself first

Winners develop the habit of doing the things that losers don't like to do

Study and follow professional management principles apply them logically and partically toyour organization

Work fewer hours; some of us waste half our time

Don't do anything which someone else can do for you

Management of Self 18

Try to forget useless things. To remember everything is to make your mind dustbin

You're not ready to live untuil you're ready to die

Unless you are willing to come to your job and be fired every day, you cannot do your job properly

Anger, like revenge, is a drink best served cold.A little displeasure, in low voice, should do the trick. Difficult, not impossible

Follow no one but learn from everyone

Management is a series of interruptions, interrupted by other interruptions! learn to reduce interruptions

Procrastination is the thief of time, it kills development

If you want to move mountains, you have to first learn how to move particles

If you do not make mistakes, it only means you are not trying 100%

Selasa, 28 April 2009

Beyond Murphy's Law

Since Murphy propounded his law in 1949 his pronouncements have been lovingly built upon and developed further by many new contributors. A sample of some of the more thinkers ones follow :

  1. Heller's Law : The first myth of management is that exist
  2. Dow's Law : In hierarchical organisation, are higher the level, the greater, the confusion
  3. Another Murphy's Law : It is impossible to make anything fool-proof, because fools are so ingenious
  4. Anderson's Law : I have yet to see any problem, how ever, complicated, which, when, you looked at it right way, did not become still more complicated
  5. Boyle's Law : If not controlled, work will flow to the competent man until he submerges
  6. Computer Maxim : To err is human but to really fool things up requires computer
  7. Golden Principle : Nothing will be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome
  8. Harry's Law : Any philosophy that can be put "in a nutshell" belongs there
  9. Hall's Law : The means justify the means. The approach to a problem is more important than its solution
  10. Vail's Axiom : In any human enterprise, work seeks the lowest hierarchical level
  11. Langsam's Ort. Axiom : It's difficult to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys
  12. Weiler's Law : Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do himself
  13. Edelstain's Advice : Don't worry over what other people are thinking about you. They're too busy worrying

Management of Self 17

keep on mulling your ideas remembering that even the best can be made better

Keep on reviewing your basics

TO ACT RIGHT, you have to look right and feel right

Life's greatest thrill is tomorrow

Machines must work. Men must think

Many a live wire would be a dead one except for his connections

Most people expect more respect from others than they give to themselves

SUCCESS isn't the oppositeof failing. A runner may come in last, but if he beats his record, he succeeds

Never leave the bridge (of a ship) in a storm

Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps

Management of Self 16

I decided to make a pearl out of this feeling of displeasure of this foreign body under my skin

If at first you don't succeed, try once more and then try something else

One is not born a genius, one becomes a genius

It is not only machinery that becomes obsolete. One has to guard obsolence of the mind

If you are still tender enough to feel ashamed, thank God and ask to keep you that way

Do not postpone the unpleasant and difficult tasks. Do them now, you will feel much better afterwards

If you make up your mind to do three things, i.e.to work, to save and to learn...you can rise in this world

It is impossible to fly like an angel with the wings of pigeon

Keep on learning from your succeeses, so you repeat them; from your failures, so you never make the same one twice

Management of Self 15

Polished copper is cheaper but makes more impression than crude gold

Do the thing you fear, and fear will disappear

All men make mistakes; only the fools repeat them

Indecisions is expensive, very expensive

Learn from failurs;do not brood over them

Empty sacks will never stand upright

Even the president's pencil has eraser on it

A wise man speaks when other have exhausted their words

Get a good 'radar' ,and keep it sweeping

An open mind collects more riches than an open purse

I am learning to say 'NO'

Say 'NO' to Temptation

A young woman successfully achieved a considerable weight loss, here is what he did : She pictured explicity the weights she wanted to reach by a certain age. Each time she was tempted, she was estimated how long to take her to eat the gooey desserts, chocolate or other reach food. Then she thought how happy she would feel after those few minutes had she not eaten it. For the first time she began to experience the thrill of self-mastery. At bed time, she ran over her temptation mentally and added up all the fattening things she had not eaten that day. Eagerly, she looked forward to topping her record the next day. She achieved er weight goal. And she held it,too

Management of Self 14

Crowding one's life doesn't always enrich it

Concentration is the secret of strenght in war, in trade, in short, in all management of human affairs

Do not invent the wheel. Start from where the others left

Glory is a poison that can only be taken in small doses

Challenge is a part of life and you learn how to take it in your stride knowing that you will win most of the time, but become a better man either way for having tried

You can either be honest or dishonest, you cannot be little bit honest and little bit dishonest like women is either pregnant or not pregnant

It is difficult to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys

One pound of learning requires ten pounds of common sense to apply it

90% and 10% Facts of Life

  1. 90% of puncture (flats) happen in the last 10% of tyre life.
  2. 90% of the things in our lives are right and 10% are wrong.
  3. 90% of the financial worries are due to 10% over spending.
  4. 90% of your friends will hurt you and only 10% will give you support when chips are down
  5. 90% of your work can be done by your subordinates and genuinely get paid only for 10% (Those who follow deserve what they get).
  6. 90% of your work is routine; it is the balance 10% that requires thinking.
  7. 90% of the decisions can be taken immediately on the basis of past experience and only 10% require in-dept analysis.
  8. 90% of your customers are reasonable; it is only 10% of them that require tactful handling.
  9. 90% of our members repay they dues in time ; it is only the balance 10% that makes us spend sleepless nights.
  10. 90% of the overdues become so only recently, it is only 10% that continue to be overdue for a long periode.
  11. 90% of tension is created by 10% of each carelessness and laziness.
  12. 90% of the old records and letters are never reffered to again.
  13. 90% of the errors in typewritten letters can be hand corected; only 10% of such letters need to be retyped.

Management of Self 13

A wise man is one who forgets the faults of others, but always remembers his own

Big achievements can be made only by a man who is content with small beginnings

Build your self-respect via the joy of role exellence

The genuine beauty of aquiring knowledge is that you can learn anytime

Say "SORRY" at the right moment

Chasing after the impossible you lose what is possible

Cut your social functions where you subtitute will be equally good and no one will miss you

The fullest and best ears of corn hang toward the ground

Like a tree, we each must find a place to grow and branch out

Those who fret over small issues only demonstrate their inability to find
anything big in their lives

Management of Self 12

Always tell yourself : The difference between running a business and ruining a business is "I"

Accepting responsibility is accepting challenge

If you want to be a succees, display enough courage to welcome failures

Giving a drink of water to an enemy is like putting a lump of burning charcoal on his head

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference

All confidence is aquired or self-developed through positive thinking which is triggered by good books, good friends and good visits

Do not wait for extra-ordinary circumstance to do good actions; try to use ordinary situations

There is no blindness except blindness of the heart


Excellence in Action in a dealership is when employees :




Management of Self 11

Nothing is impossible to the man who doesn't have to do it himself

It doesn't matter whether you can be proud of your ancestors; what matter is if they can be proud of you

You can't keep your eyes on hills when your nose is on grindstone

Man has a hidden treasure within. Difficulties and setbacks bring it forth

There are two ways of spreading light; To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it

Failure means delay, not defeat

Ratio between hard work and luck is 70:30

A well organized mind, even in a restaurant, will order in sequence food is usually listed on a menu, served, and eaten

"I can't do it" never accomplished anything yet

Senin, 27 April 2009


Statistics are often used as a drunkard uses a lamppost, not to light his way but, to support his instability.

Someone has said: "There are three kinds of lies,viz lies, damnable lies and statistics!"

Whenever we collect business statistics, we must keep these words in mind. Collection of statistics costs a lot of money and time and if not done wisely, can mean money down the drain. In several situations, the concept of sense of approximation should be applied. Just make a guess, and very often this may be cheaper and faster than collecting detailed information or statistics. Statistics are no subtitute for judgement. Therefore, when collected using a bit of common sense, statistics can help in taking better and faster decisions.
Most of us would recall the story about statistician who, going by the average depth of river, drowned in the middle.

On statistics, George Bernard Shaw has also very wisely said;
"Of all damnable waste of human life, clerking is the worst. Fifty thousand entries a year that poor wretch makes and mot ten of fifty thousand are reffered to again"

Total dependence on statistics can be misleading.

Management of Self 10

Unless you are forced to use your mind, you become mentally lazy and you will never fulfil your potential

Napoleon was an early riser. An hour's less sleep per day will add five years to your working life

You're most happy if you don't know who's the boss in your home

There is no one way by which you, when take a decision, can please every one

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they have their story

Take calculated risk. Doing so is quite different from being rash

The worlds' largest fires can be extinguished by pouring a cup of water at the right time

Learn to live with your mental doors unlocked so that you can let ideas come in

A person doesn't learn to choose a good alternative without choosing a few bad ones

The cost is long forgotten. But the quality is remembered forever

Management of Self 9

Be willing to spend today for tommorow's growth

Education is the ability to meet life's situations

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action

It's that what you learn after you know it all counts

It is foolish to learn things that one has to forget later on

Either I will find a way or make one

A man can succeed atalmost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm

In his first year in the automobile business, Henry Ford went bankrupt.
Two years later, his second company also failed. His third corporation has done rather well, however

If it were not for the rock in its bed the stream would have so nong

A manager succeeds or fails not so much because of what he does, but because what he is able to get someone else to do

Management of Self 8

When we are not engaged in thingking about some definite problem, we usually spend about 95 percent of our time thingking about ourselves

Treat EVERY PROBLEMS as a road block which forces you to take a detour. You may find the best during this forced detour, if your mind is active and vigilant

If you have a rupee and I have another, and we axchange, we have one rupee each; If you have a better idea and I heve another, and we exchange, we have to better ideas each

Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain and most fools so

The fire you kindle for your enemy burns yourself more than him

Stop existing. Start living

Honestly is still the best policy with a little bit of common sense

There always one thing more to do

The Stream of Life

Try to be like flowing water. Every time the stream of water is confronted by stones, it tries to break them or it diverts itself, so that it constantly remains in motion. The water that stops when confronted, stagnates and turns green with moss all over.
Examination in life are liike stones.When you confront them, take them one, give all your might, and you may pass over, let the examinations hinder your path and you become a pond. The path to success is vast; let not the examinations determine how long you can travel, in line develop a keen sense to be able to distinguish what examinations you can break, what examinations you can cut and,what examinations you better avoided, when to take and when to wait to build a momentum. "Dont worry; be happy"

Management of Self 7

The average man develops only ten percent of his latent mental ability

Have no quarrels with life as long as you have something to do when you get up every morning

Choose a job you love. And you will never have to work a day in your life.

If i had eight hours to chop a tree, I would spend six hours sharpening my axe

90 percent of the decisions can be taken immediately on the basis of past experience and only 10 percent require in depth analysis

Match stick is a transportable and pocketable fire. Before it was invented, people laughed at the idea just as they do if someone today suggest to have an air-conditioner of a pen size

A vacation should be just long enough for the boss to miss you, and not long enough for him to discover how well he can get along without you

Kites Rise Against, Not the Wind

Like they say, "the gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man without trials". Look adversity directly in the eye and it will diminish in size. Face it with conviction because only if you go through the wars bravely, you get the medals. And, isn't it always more fun to win a hard fight than an easy one?

Management of Self 6

By working sincerely for eight hours a day, you can get promoted to be a boss and work twelve hours a day

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there

At the start or your career, what you learn is more important than what you earn

If you do not know how to speak, better learn how to speak, better learn hoe to keep quiet

The people who make haste are usually saving minutes after having wasted hours

There is no indegestion worse than that which comes from having to eat your own words

Take the decision. If it is right, well and good. And if it is wrong, you will find out soon enough

Leadership usually gravitates to the man who can get up and say what he think

There is no expedient to which a man will no resort to avoid the labour of thinking

Management of Self 5

One of these days is none of these days; today is the day to start the big job

Admitting you're wrong is modest way of showing you've grown a little wiser

Ships are safer in the harbour but they are not meant for that purpose

the most important thing for a young man is to establish reputation and character

Some people pay so much attention to their reputation that they lose their character

You better pay attention to your future because you are going to spend a lot of time there

when the wise ge angry, they lose their wisdom

Do not wait for the best idea. Implement the better idea, still better and the best will follow

Be a lion at heart and do not forget the tact of a fox

Management of Self 4

The human mind is like parachute, it only works when its open

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up

You cannot be anything IF you want to be everything

If at first you do succed, try to hide your antonishment

It is ideas that earn the money and not money that earns the ideas

There's plenty of room at the top but there's no room to sit down

If you want to gather money, don't kick over the beehive

It is easier to fight for one's priciples than to live up to them

Even a fish, wouldn't get into trouble if he'd keep his mouth shut

Management of Self 3

Fear of losing can take the joy out of winning

I ruined time; now time is ruining me

Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing

The ability to speak as a short cut to distinction

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

Nothing dies faster than a new idea an a closed mind

Reading without thinking is like eating without digesting

Ideas, like time and tide, wait for no one

Our trouble is not ignorance, but inaction

When you're sure it's good enough...improve it

One grain of sand at a time. One task at a time

Organize yourself well to have more time to do the things you love to do

The pen is mightier than the sword

Minggu, 26 April 2009

Management of Self 2

Do important jobs now before they become urgent

Do your "SWOT" analysis today. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)

Identify your weak link and act now

Don't make the best enemy of better

Manage your time as you manage your money

Think, decide, do what you think is right

The key of succes is knowing yourself

Every stone can be stepping stone

Conceit is the quicksand of succes

The greatest loss is the loss of self confidence

Learn to say "no"

The bow that bends too strictly snaps itself

Look for Inspiration

Thomas Alva Edison said, "Genius is one percent ispiration and ninety nine percent perspiration". But, where does one look for that spark of inspiration in a life groaning under humdrum routine? Or does inspiration come on its own, choosing it own time and place (like...a bath tub for Archimedes who yelled 'Eureka' (I have found it) and ran out naked when he discovered determine the purity of gold by applying the principle of spesific gravity.

One has to look for inspiration with concious effort. And, what better place to look for inspiration than within 'inspiring words'. Didn't somebody said, "The power of thought can move mountains!"

Management of Self 1

Think...there must be a better way

Do it NOW

Ask for it

The future is NOW

Stick your neck out

Keep your mind 6 to 9 per cent empty

Positive Attitude pays

Thingkin is hard work

Problems are only solutions in disguise

Most problems are really the absence of ideas

Learn by listening. Understand by reflecting

Be daring in setting priorities

Starve the problems, feed the opportunities