Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Management of Self 52

Computers do not make mistakes ; people do

You can have the best seeds in the world, but if your
seed bed is not prepared properly, germination will not be proper

90% of your work can be done by your subordinates and
genuinely get paid for 10% (those who follow this
deserve what they get)

people are not against you, they are merely for themselves

Those who are pulling on the oars don't have much time
to rock the boat

what takes one guy one hour to do;
it take two guys two hours to do

nothing provides more leisure than a number
of capable assistants

Never give a man up until he has failed at something he likes

Lessons are not given, they are taken

Management of Self 51

People can be devided into three groups : -Those who make
things happen -Those who watch things happen
-Those who wonder that happen

Good people without discipline are worth nothing

See the good in people and try to develop those qualities

Inefficiency : If it cannot be overcome and an employee is
obviously incapable of the job, find a job he can do or
terminate now. Don't wait

Don't to do an employee's job for him, counsel and suggest

We do not hire a man's history, we hire the man

The people you may have with you may not be the best ones.
But how you use them. decides your profits

A good leader leads the group with the flag in his hand
He does not have to shout

People do judge you by the way you speak

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Be A Self Starter

A slight turn of the key actuates the self-starter that further sets the automobile engine roaring. Some way, a bit of motivation puts a self starter person into action and it such people who lend dynamism to organisations.

If you observe people long enough, you will realize that the self made ones have an abundance of working parts that don't just work from 9 to 5, but also from 5 to 9.

And only the self-starters are capable of being self-made. Throughout history that have been two categories of people, i.e those who create wealth and those who consume it. Self-starters are the ones who create something, not only wealth but also dynamism. Be a self-starter.

Management of Self 50

The reason many people fail to recognise opportunity is
because it comes disguised as hard work

The least important word in social and congregational life is "I"
and the most importantn word is "YOU"

Work smarter, not just harder

It is good to become a hero in films, but not in the business world!
Ensure that your team becomes the hero

Jobs don't have futures; people do

People are seldom angry for the reason they think they are angry
There is usually something else at the bottom of it

Encourage people to suggest possiblesolutions to each
problem that they are putting up

Treat people like winners

"If you want to plan for a year, plant corn. If you want to plan for 3 years
plant a tree. But if you want to plan for 10 years, plant men"

Management of Self 49

The Used key is always bright

There is nothing so powerful as the truth

There is no such thing as a perfect situation

These hackneyed proverbs contain the very essence of the ditilled
wisdom of all ages

30% of your employees are lazy, stupid, dishonest and so on.
Take this factor into your calculation

Throw dirt enough, and some will stick

Walk 25% faster, and you will feel not only smarter but
will impress other people. Try

Apprasial system is no good unless effective grievances
processing system is there

Positive and negative strokes should be well mixed

Leadership is like moving a string, you cannot move it
by pushing from behind; what you have to do is to get ahead and pull

Management of Self 48

Give editorial freedom to a nightingale and you will get a song
of summerin full throated ease. Give to a pig
and you will get a grunt

Give someone a title. You make a hundred people angry and one
person ungrateful

He gives twice who gives quickly

He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree

He travels fastest who travels alone

If you want to get a thing done, give it to the busiest executive

Any person who enjoys responsibility usually gets it

The best of men is he who sees his own faults and does not
see the faults of others

Everything takes longer than you think. So add '10 to 30%'
before you give a target date

The squeaking wheel gets the grease

Management of Self 47

Start treating your people as grown-ups. Give them responbility
and authority. Trust them

Never be too busy to say nice words to your people whenever they
do something good. Go out of your way to find such opportunities

The rapidity with which we forget is antonishing

Do you show enthusiasm, initiative, loyalty, devotion to your business
and your people? If you do, you will get it from your people, too

Upgrading your people is a far more challenging job than upgrading
yourself or your facilities

Delays make the people get uninterested and lazy

A ballet dancer needs a mirror to perfect her style and technique.
A manager needs to develop his own mirror

A man who climbs to the peak foot by foot earns far more respect
than the one who reaches there by a helicopter

A person's true character is so often revealed by the manner in which
he receives praise

Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Don't Make Best The Enemy of Better

Many times it so happens that we forget the "better" in our quest for the "best". If we implement "better", in nine out of 10 cases it would lead us to "still better". Why go far for an example if you are a married person? Think of your spouse.Is he or she the best person as you had desired before getting married? Yes? May be you think so now. Good for your material bliss. But, be sure. Didn't make some compromise somewhere in the looks, habits or profession? Now, had you waited for getting the "best" spouse, you would have definately remained unmarried trhoughout your life


Always start with GOOD and then implement it. Next, try to improve it to do BETTER and still BETTER. Make an on-going process for doing BEST

Management of Self 46

When you want to get things done, use creative ways to remind people.
Don't forget that people tend to forget conveniently

Accept praises with humility because you must not forget that,
backstage, you have a whole lot of team-mates
who helped you achieve all that you have

Understand the Pygmalion effect. Or the "Holi" way- i.e if you will
spray scented water on other people, they will do the same to you.
And if you smear them with dirty water, they will do that to you

SHOUT...whenever you are reasonably sure that someone in the team
is over or under carrying the load

15% success is due to technical skills and 85%
due to skills in human engineering

Good managers are not born,
they are obtained by training

Most people remember twenty percent of what they hear

Never stop Listening; Never stop Learning: Never stop Training

Management of Self 45

Never be indictive with anyone. Forgive and forget

Start measuring your people by the size of their thinking
not only in kilograms and inches

A wound inflicted by speech is more powerful than
a wound inflicted by the sword

Trust is like a think thread. Once you break it, it is almost
impossible to put it together again

Do not take it for granted that working together works
automatically. You have to always keep on "reparing the fences"
to keep your business in good condition

When big bells ring, no one hears small ones

When management arrives before the workforce,
and leaves after they do,they are seen as providing leadership

An administrator must be adept at adapting

Management of Self 44

Working together won't work if you do not take to ask
anyone who has not carried his share of the load

No rebuke is so powerful as the influence of good example

Nothing makes a person's chest stick out further than being asked
his opinion on a subject he knows is of special importanceto the asked
It makes one feel his judgement is valued

Working together works and with a smile, working together
really work faster, better, smoother

One man makes the difference...the leader

Firmness with fairness and quickness tones up team

People want to work and they want to work purposefully

people work for satisfaction. They work for challenge and recognition
Money, yes, buys their hands. The rest buys their heads and hearts

Shape up or ship out

Manage Yourself Better Before You Manage Others

  2. DO IT NOW



Management of Self 43

Everyone is a trainee as well as a trainer

Everyone needs training.
From a Prime Minister to a Peon

Managing your business is an art and not a science

Training demands patience and persistence

The wind carries away the scattered particles of sand,
causing them to float all arround. When these particles join to make
a mountain, no tempest is strong enough to shake them

It is more fun to be overworked than to be undeworked

It requires more commonsense to get work done than to do it

Training demands positive attitude

Training is expensive to impart as well as to receive

Never allow two people o do a job which only one can do

Management of Self 42

Delegate but don't forget

Demand and you will get it, i.e extraordinary perfomance
from the average man or from yourself

Different strokes for different folks

"What matters most today is the ability to think
together and not alone

The hard and unbending are broken by change;
the supple and yielding make way and prevail

It is true that we learn by listening, yet we don't listen

Teach, don't preach

Listening is an art. Listen with your eyes also

Few persons weight the faults of others without a thumb
on the scales

I have always worried about people who are willing to work
for nothing sometimes, that is all you get from them -nothing

Management of Self 41

You cannot train a horse with shouts and expect it to obey a whisper

You cannot teach new tricks to an old dog. True
But you and we are not dogs

Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time
and annoys the pig

find out whether it is ignorance or indifference. Ignorance is easy
to remove by education and training. And indifference
needs creativity to be removed

Please allow overtime to your accounts people, if need be.
Overtime is bad habit. Yes. But better to have a minor
ailment than to have cancer

Best leaders lead by demonstrating how it is done

Working together is success

Condemn action, not people

Critism dispensed in small doses rather than large is a lot easier on
a person's ego and is far more productive

Positive Thinking Pays

A blind person once said : "I thought when I lost my sight, I would be doomed to unhappiness. Now I have discovered that I am happier without my sight. Most of my unhappy thoughts came in throught my eyes. I saw beautiful faces of other people and was dissatisfied with my own looks. Most joy produsing thoughts come into people's minds in the dark anyway. Don't you close your eyes when you pray?"

This blind person has learnt to paint without eyesight. You are not hadicapped until you think you are.

Management of Self 40

Conduct meetings with your managers in your head before meeting
them across the table

There is no easy way to dress up someone's perfomance
without dressing him down

A man will not sell his life to you, but he will give it
to you for a piece of colured ribbon. Grant ribbons

The administrator may have to stay out of the way
in order to get his way

An organisation is a union of ordinary people
doing extra-ordinary work

A projecting nail must be hammered down

A soft voice is heard long after the shout.
Gentleness is stronger than anger

An executive succeeds or fails not so much because of what he does,
but because of what he is able to get someone else to do

Sound becomes music if a trained man uses it. Training is essential

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

Management of Self 39

Speed of the boss is the speed of the team

Relax! Relax! Relax!Learn to relax while you are doing your work!

There are two sides to every issue, so make certain you
keep both your ears open and listening

People are sick of getting letters that sound like they have been written
by a computer that knows their name

There's small choice in rotten apples

Treating people courteously requires very little effort

Please all and you please none

Good leadership starts with good communication with people

NETMA : Nobody Ever Tell Me Anything! Dangerous situation.
Learn to avoid it. At least do your bit

A boss has to be good shock absorber

Management of Self 38

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be,
since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be

Some people think they are generous because they give away free advice

Your mind is the best asset you have. Minds of your people are the "assets"
which do not appear in your balance sheet. We use only 10% of our minds.
And so much going down he drain...THINK, always

To keep customers, business needs to invest in its employees

Everybody wants to succeed. Give them a fair chance

There is always more to learn and more to earn for every employee

We learn a lot by listening to our employees, because, after all,
wisdom is not the exclusive possession of management

People don't waste time. They just spend it on things they don't need to do

Management of Self 37

From softness arises humility. From humility arises trust.
From trust arises togetherness and one mind

The secret of his sucess was his ability to attract exceptionally able men
and to treat them with so much respect that they never left

Anyone can live by working 8 to 5, but sucess is achieved by working from 5 to 8

Before you point a finger at your employee, use the "dipstick"
on yourself as to how honest you are with your customers

"Personally I am very fond of strawberiies and cream, but I find that for some
strange reason fish prefer worms. So when I go fishing, I don't think about what I want.
I think about what they want"

Your mind is like an acre of land. Look after it! Hard work like tilling;
good reading acts like fertilizerrs ; discipline like pesticides

Feel like a hero every day by doing a good deed to your employees

7 Basic Rules Towards Acquiring A Positive Attitude

  1. Treat every person with whom you come into contact as the most important person on earth.
  2. If your attitude is not right, nothing else is right and you have even before you start
  3. The human mind can hold only one thought ata time prominently. Since there is nothing to be gained by being negative, be positive.
  4. The deepest craving of human being is to be needed, to feel important, to be appreciated. Give it to them and they will return it to you.
  5. You can learn something from everybody.
  6. Don't waste your time broadcasting personal problems.
  7. Do not talk about your health unless it is good.

Management of Self 36

Throughout history there have been two categories of people:
thoese who create wealth and those who consume it

People who accept resposibility are the people who
are making the most of their lives

If you observe people long enough, you'll realize that the self made
ones have an abundace of working parts

If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become
a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are
we shall company of giants.

In your job or at your house, you are the member of an orchestra
It depends upon you whether the result of your team is music or noise

Listen to what your employees say. Very often, their ideas are like burning members.
You can kindle them into fires or into ashes by merely dropping a few
drops of cold water in the form of judgement

Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

Management of Self 35

Tail dropped off from man when it was no ore needed.
You and I also be dropped

A man should live with his superiors as he does with fire,
not too near, lest he burn, or too far off, lest he freeze

A suggestion scheme can works as well in business with six employees
as in a company with 1000 employees

Working together does not only bring out the best in all of us,
it brings the best in each of us

Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest
and most important sound in any language

What you can get people to do is the best thing
you can do for people

You can get more work with a kind word and a gun than you can
with a kind word alone

Your mind is like a camera with memory! It can take several pictures
which you can "file" for subsquent use

German army won't let a soldier file a complaint
and make a criticism immediately after a thing has happened

The Tide Always Comes Back

A successful businessman told me what had turned the tide for him when he was doing poorly. It was a picture of a boat stuck in the sand, the tide out. The title of that picture was The Tide Always Comes Back. Don't ever accept defeat. Never even think, I can't. Instead say to yourself, "The tide always comes back". It will, and if you will it so

Winners vs Losers

The Winner is a part of the answer
The Loser is a always a part of the problem

The Winner always has a plan
The Loser always has an excuse

The Winner says "let me do it for you"
The Loser says "that's not my job"

The Winner sees an answer in every problem
The Loser sees a problem in every answer

The Winner sees a green near in every sandtrap
The Loser sees a sandtrap in every green

The Winner says "It may be difficult but it's possible"
The Loser says "It may be possible but it's difficult"

Management of Self 34

Don't tell me how hard you work
Tell me how much you get done

If you were a dairy farmer, would you employ twice as many milkers as cows?

Never hire your friends. Never hire your client's children.
Never hire your own children

Whenever you get medals, give them to your colleagues. You will get more

Do a kindness once and it will be seen as a fovour, do it twice
and it becomes a duty

Hating people is like burning down your own house
to get rid of a rat

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress;
working together is success

You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips

Don't run down the other man's plans unless you have better ones to offer

Management of Self 33

A manager creates conditions for his people to achieve results

A manager shows his greatness by the way he treats little employees

I will speak ill of no man, and speak all the good I know of everybody

Trust people;
96% of them are honest

Those who only do what they are told are seldom told to do anything

It ain't what you say, it's the way that you say it, that's what get results
Mouths is 10%; eyes is 20%; head is 30% and hearts is 40%

We overestimate the intelligence of others and underestimate ours!!

Use meetings and conferences for cross-pollination of better ways

Management of Self 32

What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that
from now onwards I can no longer believe you

If you have peanuts t0 offer, you will get monkeys

Never hire anyone who will work for money alone

Pay well, cheap employee is expensive

When you need 2,5 people, hire the second one

Helping people helps in the long run

Oh, give us the man who sings at work

Don't keep a dog and back yourself
(Think, Decide, Delegate)

Praise in public. Reprimand in private

Doing should not be confused with getting done

Every employee likes to do what he likes and not what should be done

Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Management of Self 31

He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs

There is no work as delightful as the work done for others

Never say you knoe a friend till you have devided an inheritance with him

To lose friends, just tell them something for their own good

90% of your friends will hurt you and only 10% will give you
support when chips are down

Your friends is the man who knows all about you,
and still likes you

Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them

God send me a friend that will tell me of my faults

Books and friends should be few and good

One sure fire, fast way to lose a friend is to comply with his request for a loan

The Winner Never Quit

Two boys were walking down a country road, when they saw two milk cans to be loaded for delivery in a nearby city. Seeing no one, the boys lifted off the cover of Can Number 1 and dropped in a bullfrog. Then they lifted oof the cover of can number 2 and dropped another bullfrog, later the cans were picked up and loaded for city delivery.

During the journey, the bullfrog in can number 1 said: "This is terrible! i can't lift off the cover of the can bacause it's too heavy. I have never had a milk bath before, and I can't reach to the bottom of the can to get enough purchase to lift the cover, so, what's the use"...and he gave up and quit! when the cover of can number 1 was taken off, there was a big dead bullfrog.

The same conditions existed in can number 2, and the frog said to himself:"Well, I can't lift off the cover, because it's too tight and too heavy. I haven't got a brace and bit to drill a hole to save myself, but by the great Father Neptune, there is one thing I learned to do in liquids and that is to swim. "So, he swam and swam, and swam,and churned a lump of butter and sat on it, and when the cover was lifted of, out of he jumped.

The winner never quits and the quitter never wins.

Management of Self 30

Two person cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other's little failings

God evidently does not intend us all to be rich or powerful,
or great, but does to intend us all to be friends

The firmest friendships have been formed in mutual adversity. As iron
is most strongly united by the fiercest flames

All men have their frailties, and whoever looks for friends without
imperfections will never find what he seeks

A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead
walk beside me and just be my friend

Three day of uninterruptedcompany in a vehicle will make you better friends
that one hour's conversation with him every day for three years

Develop friendship with people having twenty-twenty vision

Management of Self 29

A real friend never gets in your way unless
you happen to be on the way down

Never contract friendship with a man who is not better than thyself

A little straight talk between friends is sometimes the best way to stay friends

You can hardly make a friend in a year, but you can lose one in an hour

A merely fallen enemy may rise again but reconciled one is truly vanquished

The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as to find a friend worth dying for

Have you fifty friends? It is not enough
Have you one enemy? It is too much

Friendship improve happiness, and abates missery
by doubling our joy, and dividing our grief

The language of friedship is not words, but meanings.
It is an intelligence above language

An Optimist and A Pessimist

An optimist would say it is half full. A pessimist would say it half full.

Both are right. However, one is happy with what has already been achieved whereas the others is the ever complaining type. It all a difference an attitudes and no doubt, possitive attitude pays.

"Two man looked out from prison bars; One saw the mud, the other one saw stars"

Everybody in the world is looking for happiness and there is one sure way to find it, by controlling your thoughts. Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions. Think and thank. Think of all we have to be grateful for, and thank God for all the boons and bounties. If we think happy thoughts, we will be happy. If we think miserable thoughts, we will miserable. Who lives content with little possesses evrythink.

"I had the blues because I had no shoes; Until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet"

When fate hands us a lemon, let us try to make lemonade.

Nothing Dies Faster Than A New Idea In a Close Mind

When King Solomon was asked to tell the real flowers from the artificial ones kept in the room without touching or smelling them, he opened the window facing the garden, making way for the bees to come in and swarm around the real ones.

Similarly, till the time you keep your mind closed, you will not get to know the difference between the valuable and the dead ideas.

Therefore, lift the inverted bottle that puts out the flame of your mind; doing so will make way for the oxygen of new ideas to come in to make your mental flame burn brightly.

Management of Self 29

Family business is a serious business. Its review and planning for future
cannot be done merely over lunch or dinner

It is important to tell your son once a while when
"enough is enough"

There is no single way but several better ways which you can show to your son
and the chances are that he will like a few of these

Don't force your son to do what you like him to do He will then hate to do it
Let him decide himself and you will be surprised at his initiative

Your son is like a body of flowing water, you can regulate its flow by
making small bunds. You can then channelise the energies of your son
towards the disired goal

There is little less trouble in governing a son than a whole kingdom

One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters

It really is impossible to please all the world and your father, all the time

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Management of Self 28

If you keep the book too close too your eyes you can only strain your eyes and not read the book
Distance is required, also, between father and son for the son to grow worldly-wise

Normally, the sons create and will continue to create problems unless you plan
or unless they are smart enough

The opportunity for doing mischief is found a hundred times a day,
and of doing good, once in a year

Mark Twain said in a tribute to his wife :
"Wherever she was, there was Eden"

Most of the businesses are in herited by children the way
the children get inexperienced parents!

Children are not born with an understanding of what they can do or what they are worth to others. They surlely won't have any idea what they find out.
And they'll find this out best in the hands of objective outsiders.

Management of Self 27

If your wife is your sleeping partner in business, please wake her up!
It will benefit you both tremendously

The best thing to spend on your children is your time

The way to get along is to go along

Whenever we disagree, which is seldom, she goes her way and I go her way too

Give your son a fish...he eats today
Teach him how to fish...he eats everyday

A gem cannot be polished without friction nor a son without trials

While entitled children ache at the burden of labour nine to five,
the entrepeneurs rise before dawn and work happily from five to nine

A woman once asked Thomas A. Edison to write a motto for her son.
And Edison wrote: "Never look at the clock!"

Don't Let Paralysis Get into Your Mind

In Tokyo I once met another American, an anspiring man, from Pennsylvania. Crippled from some form of paralysis he was on a round thye world journey in a whellchair,getteing a huge kick out of all his experiences. I commented that nothing seemed to get him down. His reply was a classic ; "It's only my legs that are paralyzed. The paralysis never got into my mind"

Management of Self 26

Do not have your life-insurance proceeds paid to your widow in cash-but have them properly invested. It is worth the conlsultant's fee

First rent a new house to your enemy, then to a relative, and only then live in it yourself

some parents scarcely bring up children; they finance them

The road to seccess is filled with women pushing their husband along

A joint family can create more problems. Partnerships are made to be broken.
So do not take relationships for granted

Don't dwell too long on the shortcomings of others. Sure, your husband has faults
If he had been a saint he would have never married you. Right?

The only way to live in this world is for every man to have a fair-sized
cemetery to bury the faults of others

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

Management of Self 25

Your child is always watching you and unless honesty, truthfulness, and sincerity become your habits, you do not have a chance of becoming a hero in the eyes of your children

As parents, do not forget, you are leaders for your sons and your daughters!
On leadership, remember: "Don't push: PULL"

As a leader, set objectives for your sons and your daughters such as becoming a doctor, an engineer, an accountant, a medical social worker and so on.
Keep using "dip stick" approach, keep on observing and analyzing
which direction your sons and daughter are going or likely to go

Whatever your sons and daughters become assets or liabilities,
70 percent depends upon you and 30 percent on luck

A pin can't hold a quart-if it holds a pint it is doing all that can be expected of it!!
(Each child has a different capacity)

Don't be afraid to ask dumb questions;
they are more easily handled than dumb mistakes

Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

Management of Self 24

Educations is when your children can play with their gradparents, their uncles,
their friends, and so on

Help your children to take and make decisions. Educate them with examples and stories

Let your children spend a few days in a joint-family system, a few days in a family where both husband and wife work, a few days in a big city, a few days in small town,
and a few days on a farm and in a village. This is also education

Ensure that you have a two-way communication with your children. It is difficult but not impossible. Your children are going to be mocked at several times,
sometimes on silly grounds; let them get confidence that you are there to suffer with them. Remember that, in a two-way communication, it is not the words only but silence,
too, that i can do miracle

Do things to make your children proud of you and don't be a preacher but be a doer

Try to be as honest and truthful and as sincere as possible. Even if your wife and your children laugh at you, it is only outwardly. Inside they will be proud of you

Management of Self 23

You are your children's hero. Remember that, also remember that God has fitted the world's largest and best video tape recorder in your children's minds. The way you treat your parents, employees, associates, customers ; well, all are getting taped to be played back to you later

Catch them doing something right. Most of us as parents ignore such opportunities and get obsessed with marks in schools and colleges. Teach them selflessness

Proverb contain destilled wisdom of all ages, your sons and daughter won't have to invent their own whells. Books will give them a headstart and thats is important.
Encourage them to read non-fiction

Use creativity when you want your children to get into the habit of creativity

Skipping college life may be a smart thing but not a wise one

Why do we want our children to grow so fast that they regret it when they look back?
Some parents send their three year-old children to schools
and put so many anxietes on them that they get ulcers

Management of Self 22

When your wife says she has a headache, she may be saying that you are neglecting her.
Do not give her an aspirin. The medicine required is flowers

Spend more time in taking care of our sons and daughters and converting
them into assets, even if both are liabilities to start with.

Life has become very complicated and please don't make it worse
by neglecting or overprotecting or overproviding for your children.

The chemistry of each child, like a customer or a client,
is so different that it is not funny.
Be creative.

"Successful parents normally do not have successful children",
prove it wrong and let it be a challenge to you.

Put yourself in your children's shoes. Let them be known
on their own and not as your children. Give them opportunities to achieve small, small success. Don't push them. Do not insult them by comparisons

The Human Mind

The human mind is like a parachute, its only works when it is open. A closed mind is like a gloomy cave made gloomier by the cobwebs of ignorance and prejudice.

An open mind is like a sunny meadow where fresh ideas sprout and blossom.

In the history of mankind, whenever man has opened the shutters of his mind, healthy new ideas have breezed in. And he has vigorously stepped out of his narrow confines to discover continents and oceans, planets and galaxies.

But whenever man has shut out new ideas and gone into hibernation in the safety of old, rigid norms, the human civilization has been shrouded by the gloom of Dark Ages.

Now shake yourself out of your slumber. Step out of the den of stagnant thoughts, into the open field of bold new ideas. Soar high on the strengh of an exploring mind to reach unknown heights of achievements and success.