Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Management of Self 41

You cannot train a horse with shouts and expect it to obey a whisper

You cannot teach new tricks to an old dog. True
But you and we are not dogs

Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time
and annoys the pig

find out whether it is ignorance or indifference. Ignorance is easy
to remove by education and training. And indifference
needs creativity to be removed

Please allow overtime to your accounts people, if need be.
Overtime is bad habit. Yes. But better to have a minor
ailment than to have cancer

Best leaders lead by demonstrating how it is done

Working together is success

Condemn action, not people

Critism dispensed in small doses rather than large is a lot easier on
a person's ego and is far more productive

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