Selasa, 28 April 2009

90% and 10% Facts of Life

  1. 90% of puncture (flats) happen in the last 10% of tyre life.
  2. 90% of the things in our lives are right and 10% are wrong.
  3. 90% of the financial worries are due to 10% over spending.
  4. 90% of your friends will hurt you and only 10% will give you support when chips are down
  5. 90% of your work can be done by your subordinates and genuinely get paid only for 10% (Those who follow deserve what they get).
  6. 90% of your work is routine; it is the balance 10% that requires thinking.
  7. 90% of the decisions can be taken immediately on the basis of past experience and only 10% require in-dept analysis.
  8. 90% of your customers are reasonable; it is only 10% of them that require tactful handling.
  9. 90% of our members repay they dues in time ; it is only the balance 10% that makes us spend sleepless nights.
  10. 90% of the overdues become so only recently, it is only 10% that continue to be overdue for a long periode.
  11. 90% of tension is created by 10% of each carelessness and laziness.
  12. 90% of the old records and letters are never reffered to again.
  13. 90% of the errors in typewritten letters can be hand corected; only 10% of such letters need to be retyped.

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