Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Management of Self 47

Start treating your people as grown-ups. Give them responbility
and authority. Trust them

Never be too busy to say nice words to your people whenever they
do something good. Go out of your way to find such opportunities

The rapidity with which we forget is antonishing

Do you show enthusiasm, initiative, loyalty, devotion to your business
and your people? If you do, you will get it from your people, too

Upgrading your people is a far more challenging job than upgrading
yourself or your facilities

Delays make the people get uninterested and lazy

A ballet dancer needs a mirror to perfect her style and technique.
A manager needs to develop his own mirror

A man who climbs to the peak foot by foot earns far more respect
than the one who reaches there by a helicopter

A person's true character is so often revealed by the manner in which
he receives praise

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