Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

Management of Self 23

You are your children's hero. Remember that, also remember that God has fitted the world's largest and best video tape recorder in your children's minds. The way you treat your parents, employees, associates, customers ; well, all are getting taped to be played back to you later

Catch them doing something right. Most of us as parents ignore such opportunities and get obsessed with marks in schools and colleges. Teach them selflessness

Proverb contain destilled wisdom of all ages, your sons and daughter won't have to invent their own whells. Books will give them a headstart and thats is important.
Encourage them to read non-fiction

Use creativity when you want your children to get into the habit of creativity

Skipping college life may be a smart thing but not a wise one

Why do we want our children to grow so fast that they regret it when they look back?
Some parents send their three year-old children to schools
and put so many anxietes on them that they get ulcers

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