Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

Management of Self 24

Educations is when your children can play with their gradparents, their uncles,
their friends, and so on

Help your children to take and make decisions. Educate them with examples and stories

Let your children spend a few days in a joint-family system, a few days in a family where both husband and wife work, a few days in a big city, a few days in small town,
and a few days on a farm and in a village. This is also education

Ensure that you have a two-way communication with your children. It is difficult but not impossible. Your children are going to be mocked at several times,
sometimes on silly grounds; let them get confidence that you are there to suffer with them. Remember that, in a two-way communication, it is not the words only but silence,
too, that i can do miracle

Do things to make your children proud of you and don't be a preacher but be a doer

Try to be as honest and truthful and as sincere as possible. Even if your wife and your children laugh at you, it is only outwardly. Inside they will be proud of you

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